Sunday, August 8, 2010


Happy SUnday,

Well, I broke my JUICING with a sprout salad (sprouts, lemon, olive oil, salt and cucumbers) YUMMY! and then we had a dinner date in Sacramento and WOW am I ever present to how fortunate we are to have the food we do on a daily basis.
I can imagine the level of health and well being of folks who eat more commercially grown and traditionally prepared food! I also know that the body adjusts and we simply don't know how GOOD we are capable of feeling.
So, be good to yourself, if you are going to splurge, then purchase the best organic foods you can find! You are worthy of GREAT HEALTH.
I encourage you to increase your amounts of fresh, raw fruits and veggies... they are such a great way to nourish yourself. Keep food preparation simple, eat foods as close to the condition they come from the earth as possible.
See you next month, would love you to continue to share your experiences with me. I will keep checking our blog.
Have a great month.
Love yourself and others.
Love, Terces


ferrante said...

Hi Tercas, My energy level is back up to Izzy speed. I had a gratitude bowl for breakfast along with pineapple and bananas. We really kicked off an entire family being present to the food they put in their bodies. I am elated to say the least. It is so great that our young people are so into taking "real" care of themselves, they are being compassionate to themselves & to their parents and guides.Thank you for your compassion and guidance, love Iz.

Anonymous said...

I agree, we don't know how GOOD we are capable of feeling. Thank you for the reminder!

SunflowerSister1 said...

Please--what is a "gratitude bowl" and do any of you more experienced juicers have a green juice recipe you're especially fond of?

I've got Terces' Gratitude Cafe book--and there's some great recipes in there. But I'd like something new and different this month. Anyone up for sharing?

Thanks. Sunflower

PS--I have gone through the archives and gleaned recipes previously shared.