Tuesday, November 2, 2010

DAY TWO November

Yipee... I sure did feel the detox yesterday! A bit of a headache, a little nauseous, but overall happy to be cleansing. I notice that I am not hungry, if you are then make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. Don't let yourself get too hungry.
I did have some steamed kale at Gracias Madre last night as we went out after our manger meeting and the Giants had won the World Series! So, don't beat yourself up if you have something to eat... and keep it simple, a salad, or steamed veggies or some soup. Remember wherever you are is PERFECT. Trust in the perfection of your own process.
This morning I had hot water with lemon, forgetting how much I enjoy it. We were all sitting around the campfire, Molly, my daugher had made pumpkin pancakes for everyone and I had no problem not eating. It is nice that Lourdes, who lives here too, is juicing as well! So find a buddy if you are experiencing feeling alone in this process... it always helps to be sharing the experience with someone else.
For midday I am having green juice(cucumber, kale and celery) blended with avocado and a hot chili... for me a bit of spice really tames any hunger I am experiencing.
I love you all.
Love. Terces


Claire said...

So glad to be back!!! It's been since June and life won't quit! HA! :) I have been doing rigorous exercise and so this week will be about maintaining protein intake and green cleansing juices. Yesterday was fairly easy I think because I actually had substantial food in me in the way of a protein drink. I do need to increase my water intake and plan on calculating that today.

Protein drink: Ran out of almonds so threw cashews, water, hemp seed, chia seed, maca powder, cacao, vanilla, dates, banana and a pinch of salt.

This serious shot of protein carried me farther than I ever expected with no blood sugar issues. I realize my body craves protein more than I know and I fill in with carbs. NO CARBS this week!!!

Have a good time everybody!

Marta said...

I am loving juicing and find myself repeating sampling a bit of goodies from the kitchen here and there. This morning I made kale, Celery, apple and beet juice, with a sprig of mint. yummy.
The drink Terces had yesterday was more like a raw soup, it was thick.
This is what was in it, I am great at not measuring so use your creativity.
Avocado 1 1/2
three big romaine leaves
chopped Kale
two apples
little hot suace

happy juicing

Unknown said...

Hi! I was wondering, when juicing a beet, are you supposed to peel it? I have only tried it once b/c (I didn't peel it, but I scrubbed it) it tasted very much like dirt! haha I couldn't drink it, so I have been afraid to try again! Any advice? Thank you so much!!! Happy juicing!

deboRaw/raw Love said...

..well i haven't been all raw since june,when i was raw for over a month
.....my mind is playing tricks on me right now....i want so bad to dive into something bad....but you know,
i know the benefits of keeping on track ....so i am being very well behaved ..and i am also very proud of me......day 3 i am hoping is easier..
thanks to all
its easier to do this knowing i 'm not alone.
..cheers to raw