Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Good Night,

Actually it is after 1am and I am just finishing packing for Mexico. We leave at 4 am for the airport and I am just squishing in the last of the surprises for the children of some of our employees whose families we will visit.
I am writing for today and tomorrow as I will be traveling all day and not able to post.
How are you? I notice that I am at the place where I could just keep on going... and I know that this is when it is time to start easing back into a few solid foods. I do feel good, I did find out that the spots on my lungs are not "going to kill me" as the Doctor said, and when we get back I'll so see a pulmonary specialist. I feel great knowing that I didn't let my thoughts of concern get the best of me! How about you? How is your thinking supporting you?
I had a sprout salad late in the day today as I wanted to add in something green before my travels. It sure tasted good.
I would love to hear from more of you, your sharing is so inspiring and so appreciated.
I am so grateful for you.
Ease out of your JUICING, sprouts and salads or fresh veggies are the best way, and remember to still include plenty of fresh water and juice into your day.
Enjoy the sunshine and celebrate another month of the JUICE CLUB.
I am proud of you.
Love. Terces


scorpioyogagirl said...

My Dearest Terces and Juicing Companions,

Wow... what a week! At the beginning of the week I sent an invitation to my immediate family (siblings and spouses) for a little juice club of our own. I offered to make them all a 16oz juice every morning for 7 days. Nine of them jumped on board (I have a big family). What a gift to offer to others what has meant so much to me. I am continually reminded of a quote from Sacred Commerce, "When you see yourself as love, all there is to do is serve." I learned so much this week. Thank you all for sharing... I love hearing about your lives. Terces I have been thinking about your lungs and sending you love as well as directing Universal Source healing your way. May you be present to the love and intention I am offering up.

Terces Engelhart said...

Hi Jency,

Love your story, so happy you shared. What a great idea! You are so generous. Love you. Terces