Sunday, June 6, 2010


Hi Everyone,

What are you present to today? Someone asked me yesterday if JUICING for a week brought up any old patterns of eating disorders. My experience in the early months is yes, it did, and it gave me to opportunity to repattern those old patterns. To hear and listen to the old habitual ways of thinking that were destructive, unhealthy and no longer served me and allowed me to make healthier choices and see from a more mature place how those patterns and impacted my life and what was keeping them in place, or did keep them in place and LET GO.
I find myself learning more and more about what drives my food choices, how different foods feel in my body and the impact them have. I get to FIRST HAND see how making choices that heal, nourish and support my mission in life is beneficial and what I am committed to.
How about you. What are you noticing in the last couple days of this week together.
I love you.


scorpioyogagirl said...

Simply grateful you are all here sharing this experience in whatever form and at whatever level. Love to you all.

Claire said...

Loving my quiet body.