Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December continues...

How are you feeling?
I notice how much better I feel when I juice. When I find myself hungry I
Make another juice and or have a glass of water. My favorite quick drink is homemade
Kombucha with vita mineral green powder added. I always experience a pick me up in
Energy and any hunger subsides.
Wheatgrass continues to be a magical addition to my diet, even though many days
I resist it.
if you have any gum issues it is a wonderful and healing mouth wash, just swish for several minutes and then spit out.
Thank you all for sharing with me.

I love you


Jean said...

Good Morning from the Midwest,
This is my second month and still new to juicing. I sit at my keyboard this morning and drink lemon water with minced ginger and few drops of stevia per mug. I make half a gallon in the AM and drink throughout the day. Terces, I so agree with the powder added to a juice for a low energy pick-me-up. I use a scoop of the "Vega" brand. My apology is to Cathy my sister and I affirm that I AM LOVE!

Kristin said...

Hi Terces and Jean. I am feeling pretty well today, other than tired because I woke up at 3am. Just reading Terces post...I would love to learn how to make my own kombucha! And I dislike wheatgrass juice. I haven't been able to get over my resistance. I suppose if I really wanted the things that wheatgrass offers our bodies, I'd work on it.

I've stayed juiced again today...5 days is quite an accomplishment!

And following Jean's lead on apologies, I owe my husband apologies for all the times I blamed him for my unhappiness. I also affirm that I am love...at least I do in this moment :)

Jean said...

Hi - January is the 3rd month juicing for me. This morning I'm drinking fresh lemons squeezed into purified water with minced fresh ginger and stevia. I'm drinking it warm b/c of the cold Wisconsin weather. The afternoons and evenings are the times when solid food desires creep in, but so far so good. Day 2 today. Anyone out there juicing this month?

Jean said...

Oh I forgot to tell me commitment. I am committed to All liquid juice, smoothies, or pureed soups for the entire week. No dairy, no gluten and no animal (of course). And I affirm "right now I am perfect just the way I am" ... I am perfect...Iam perfect...I am perfect.