Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hi Everyone,

Well, here we are on the last day of Juicing this month! Seems like the week went by quickly.
I want to share something with you that occurs almost as a miracle to me, and I do understand that folks don't always share this honestly.
Here goes.
I have often heard of wheat grass enemas and implants, but other than one or two other times, years ago the idea or benefits of them had slipped my mind. Then this month I just wasn't feeling that great. Actually since I returned from Italy. I have had the thought that breaking my JUICING week in Rome wasn't perhaps the best for my body! Other thoughts of aging, feeling discouraged, etc seemed to grad a hold more tightly to my attention. I wasn't able to brush them off. I was also struggling with hemorrhoids and they too seemed to be more persistent and painful.
I am not sure where the thought came from, but there it was. Try a wheat grass implant. Now, I wasn't sure I understood what that exactly was so I went to my computer and looked it up.
There it was, with simple instructions on how to give myself one.
So I did.
WOW, I am amazed at how I feel. This is the third morning of doing one and almost all my symptoms are gone! I feel energized, clearer, happier, more focused and out of pain.
So, I am sharing this as I highly recommend it. It is pretty simple to do and painless too.
If you need instructions, let me know, but really the good old internet is pretty helpful on this one.
That said, what was your experience this month?
How can I support you even more?
Have a great month, the sun is shinning today and that warms my soul.

Love. Terces

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