Saturday, February 28, 2009


On Friday Matthew and I introduced a group of leaders from the museum and aquarium world to our version of acknowledgment. I was so inspired when one of them raised her hand and said, "That was harder than I thought, I realize that I rarely experience being acknowledged and I have never asked to be." How wonderful that in just 20 minutes we could invite a room full of CEO's, Managers, Presidents, and Directors to take back to their families, their communities and their businesses the power of acknowledgment.
Remember acknowledgement as we share about it is not evidence based, it is not acknowledging someone for anything they did, there need be no evidence. Acknowledgment for us is calling forth a quality, eliciting that quality by acknowledging it, with no evidence. This is an opportunity to create your community, to bring out the best in one another. To acknowledge who you know they are.

What would you love to be acknowledged for?

Love, Terces


Chy said...

I am so incredibly grateful for your sharing!! It's one thing for sweet, strong, powerful and loving people to be geniuses... and it's a whole other world when those people share what they've learned and what they practice with the world! Thank you for sharing and opening up conversations about (often, in my opinion) challenging subjects like giving and receiving acknowledgment!

Unknown said...

"Remember acknowledgement as we share about it is not evidence based, it is not acknowledging someone for anything they did, there need be no evidence. Acknowledgment for us is calling forth a quality, eliciting that quality by acknowledging it, with no evidence. This is an opportunity to create your community, to bring out the best in one another. To acknowledge who you know they are"

I don't quite understand how to do this without evidence what does that mean? What does that look like? Could you give some examples. I have just discovered this site and like its ideas but I don't know anyone who lives or acts this way. Without role models I feel unsure of what all this means.
Grateful for any insight you can provide.

Terces Engelhart said...

Well, if you acknowledge someone for "being kind, or generous, or beautiful", it doesn't need to be based in evidence. You simply acknowledge them, because deep down inside we are all the qualities of the Divine, we just haven't practiced saying them! So you acknowledge someone and then they actually get to take it on, try it out, you are calling it forth so to speak. Just like when you first fall in love with someone you acknowledge how amazing they are and then they show up as amazing. Later on perhaps you stop acknowledging them and instead start to point out their problems, or what you don't like, and then that is what you see and experience. You get to create who others are simply by acknowledging them into existence! yeah! Try it out, let me hear about your experience. Love, Terces

Unknown said...

I am so grateful to you for sharing this post. I don't quite understand how to do this without evidence what does that mean? What does that look like? Could you give some examples. We provide realistic itil exam preparation and offer international certification for itil.